European Youth Network on Sexual & Reproductive Rights
In 2004, Women's Center with the help of ASTRA formed a team of youth and ASTRA support group of youth activity at International level.
Youth group representatives have been trained for a year taking part in international events:
Course on Gender Mainstreaming (Centre for Training and Consultancy)
Youth Summit EU/UNFPA Reproductive Health Initiative for youth in Asia (Sri Lanka)
ASTRA workshop on Advocacy for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights(Yerevan, Armenia)
8th International Summer School - Stop AIDS “The Time Is Now” (Mt. Kopaonik, Serbia)
ASTRA Network Youth Workshop on Human Rights Advocacy in the area of RSHR, Warsaw, Poland. Member of YouAct – European Youth Network on Sexual & Reproductive Rights.
‘Are You ready to Act?’ European youth conference (Lisbon, Portugal. Official launch of European Youth Network on SRR)
Today Women’s Center provides friendly service, hot-line, e-mail consultations and volunteers network on promotion of SRHR in Universities.
We Choose To Be Healthy Event. (Youth Group ASTRA, Global Fund for Women)
The goals of the project were to inform young people living in Georgia about SRHR including a broad range of health and rights issues related to sexuality and reproduction. This includes: sexuality education, abortion, family planning, STIs including HIV/AIDS prevention, assisted reproduction, adolescents™ rights and to sexual and reproductive health information and services free of discriminations.
We held one day action in United Nations/Summer Camp For Young People Aged 15-18 which located in Tsxnety We Gave Them information About STDs Such As: Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae), Syphilis (Treponemapallidum), Lymphogranulomavenereum (LGV) (Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes L1, L2, L3. Chlamydia), Hepatitis B. ,Herpes simplex, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Trichomoniasis (Trichomonasvaginalis) Distributed Booklet We choose to be healthy, T Shirts with Slogan and Made Mobile Phone Hangers also give them for distribution among their friend booklets, poster HIV/AIDS, T Shirts,
Representative Reproductive Youth Group of Union Women Center which member of ASTRA Youth Network organized a meeting with university students , teenagers and youth communities in conference room at the Parliament Library of Georgia.
12 Coordinators of regional initiative group make presentations on abortion, family planning, sexually transmitted infection ,contraception , HIV/AIDS, Impact on health drugs, alcohol smoking, Healthy eating, good nutrition ,Good hygiene practices in puberty period Youth which attend meeting get information about reproductive health problem which face youth in Georgia, policies and strategies. Raise awareness and understanding about contraception , teenage pregnancy and abortion, sensitizing about the importance of strengthening youth SRHR..
Presentation was followed by a discussion of issues with the participants of the meeting.
Members of the initiative group note , that in Georgia there was no information center for youth which would enhance youth’s movements, capacity building and enabling of youth through utilization of adequate information and communication technologies . Most important to get school and university based education on Reproductive Health. Necessary creation Youth Information and Consultation Center .